Tuesday, April 26, 2011

~Die yAnG LEbiH tAHu~

~DEePLy Hurt~

minggu dh start dh exam kt Unisti ak nie..semua pelajar msing2 sbuk ngn stdy..smpi nk jmpe batang idup kt dlm kolej(hostel) pon ssh..almaklumlah nk capai pointer yg dhajati...tatkal semua msia yg bgelar pelajar sbuk mentelah buku...ak lak sbuk ngn urusan keluarga..bulang alik dr kg k kampus..(actually bkn ulang alik cme bik very week)..kolej nie dh mcm rumah tumpangan ak aj..smpi kne tgur asyik blik aj...x pon x yah blik kolej ddk aj kt umah...hahahaha... tergelak sat bile igt blik kwn2 ckp mcm tue...bkn sngaja nk blik umah slalu...tp ad hal yang harus dlakukn d umah.. bile blik kolej smula..terase x tenang n x sedap ati..bile melihat kelibat orng tue kt mne2 aj lh..teringt kt abah n mak... entah rse mcm x nk bjauhan ngn mereka...bile nk blik kolej aj tpikir mcm2..mcm mne kalo x jmpe abah n mak ag...haishhh...manje btol lh.. ok stop crite pasal parent krng x memasal ad gak yg nk blik umah mlm2 buta nie... to be honest...ak mmg x sedap ati dr sblom time study week ag..nk study x bole nk focus...x bole nk ddk diam...rse x sedap ati... rpe2nya mmg btollh ad sumthing yg jd... my cousin sakit...n sakitnya lebih teruk dr b4 nie... sakit leukimia die btambah2 worst..n itu watkan ak rse sedih tp ak simpan rse nk nages  sbb kalo ak sdih mesti die rse ag sedih... x bole down..kne riang2 slalu...tepat jam 2 pg ari jumaat sakit die truk sgt2 smpikn sepupu ak yg merupakan kwan baik kami booking flight dr trengganu k KL tok temankan die...ak x tau knape die jd mcm nie...aritue die elok aj...keadaan yg sebegini buatkan kami x d mood nk study for the exam..smpikn sepupu yg blaja kt trengganu dh give up tok study...hurmm...im totally xd mood nk study...ap2 pn ak doakan smoga kadaan die akan mbaik..ak nk kn die yg ceria n suke nyakat ak yg dlu tue...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

~ YeS I dO~

yeS i do!!!... n i said it a thousand times with a bright smile n watering eyes...hurmm...but...its only a dreams..a dreams that i can't touch..a dreams i cant forgot..a dreams that i always said it not gonna be happen..don't know why..yes i do really misS him..i do really love him..but why i can't said it..i cant admit it..hurmm loVe..did i really know what love is all about???...yesterday...ya yesterday..he came to my dreams again..this time he hug my waist n i hug his waist .. We walked hand in hand with happiness...full with joy, smiling incessantly..n i feel like theres no tomorrow...it just something that i wont forgot forever..but again it is just a dream .. a dream that will never come true..a dreams that will be remind as a dream..because he was so far .. far n far away..YES!!..i admit it that i falling for you..I admit it that i really like you..so do you(hopefully)...i know it even before the time you asked me "do I know how a man loves a woman"yes I said know..."why don't you just confess it"..yes i want too but why I'm the one who should said it first..I'm just a woman..I will never said the word LOVE first..even my heart want it..I still know what a shame...even I'm look like someone who will said her love first..but trust me I'm not like that typical woman..sorry for not talk to you..for not smile or run from being bummed with you..but circumstances forced me to do so...and that situation makes me so depressed.. why??..because of my dignity...someone that i really believe..i really respect had done something that i still can't believe how she could do it to me..why..then i realize it all because of you..YES YOU..it make my heart so hurt but i can't hate her..because she is my friend..so i make my own decision to stay away from you..in hope it will be the best decision for all of us that i ever made..n for sure it break my heart my so deeply n maybe you too..n now seeing you from far was more than enough to make me smile though my heart is crying ...

~ya ALLAH..sesungguhnya aku hanya hambamu yg lemah..bantulah hambamu ini untuk bangkit semula..dalam membina impiannya yang lebih KAU redhai..amin~

Monday, April 11, 2011



..Hi there..have u ever heared about a new movie call "KaRaK"??..if u already know or watch KaRaK trailer on YouTube??..so how??interested to watch this movie/film..so do i (^_^)..this is the new movie from KRU STUDIOS..i can't wait to watch this film personally..to be honest I'm not the type person who watch Malay movie(that what my cousin said to me 3 days ago)..but this time time..i donno what happen to me...I'm so excited n can't stop myself from being thinking about his movie(everyday ok) even my cousin can't stand on me(sorry bro)..hahahaha...at down here I'm put an  information for your viewers..hopefully all of u will enjoy it like me too..^_^**

Release Date: 26 May 2011
Language: Malay
Subtitle: Info Not Available
Genre: Horror
Running Time: 1 Hour 36 Minutes
Director: Yusry Abd Halim
Cast: Shahir AF8, Sheera Aiyob, Along Eyzendy, Kilafairy

Synopsis: Based on urban legends and other chilling sightings along the Karak Highway, 'KARAK' is KRU Studios' maiden foray into the realm of horror films and is helmed by acclaimed director, Yusry Abdul halim. Four college students are heading back to Kuantan after a night out in KL, when they are caught-up in a massive jam along the Karak Highway. So as to make it back for their classes the next morning, they decide to exit the highway and continue their journey along the old trunk-road... not knowing that this decision will change their lives forever...

(p/s: really2 can't wait for it)

~HaTi ke HAti~

~kEnaPA buKAn akU~

..hurmm..knape bukan aku~knape bukan sy~knape bukn I....itulh yg sering dungkapkan kpd diri seorng wanita yg ditingglkn...knape bkn dr dlu lg..knpe bru kini awk ucapknnya...remuk..hancur..pecah lg bsepai(lebih dh nie)..hati seorng wanita itu..btabuaran ibarat daun kering yg dtiup angin...BAk kTe orng...wanita nie bile dh bcinta..llaki tue lh sgalanya..setianya lebih dr sglanya...tp sedarlah bhw..kamo bkn sgalnya bagi hamba allah yg bnama LELAKI...oleh itu jgnlh tlalu bharap pada kasih dr sorng manusia..kerana kasih manusia itu boleh brubah, bole bpaling, bole bganti....senang sy katekn..jika kite cintai ssorng...jgnlh kite beri kseluruhan hati kite kpdnya..simpanlh sebhagian bsar kwsn hati itu utk diri kte sndri..maka jika blaku ssuatu yg dluar jngkaan kite..skurang2nya..hati kite ini x akn remuk dan hancur ksluruhnnya...bukan suatu jaminan sekirnya btahun kite bcinta maka orng yg kite cintai itu adalah orng yg bakal mminpin dan mgimamkan kite tatkala kite solat dan mlayari bahtera kbahagiaan..jgnlh sesekali mharapkn cinta drpd ssorng manusia sekiranya cinta kite kpd Ilahi terabai dan sering kali dlupakan..sedarlh bhw..cinta Allah adlh bkekalan..even kite seringkali terlupa akanNYA..DIA tidak akan mngabaikan kite..doa kite sering ddengr walaupun ianya lambat tmakbul...cinta ALLAH adlah hakiki...igtlh kpd khalimah syahadah yg kite bce tatkala solat..hanya cinta kpdNYA yg prlu kite agung2kn dan kite patut puja2"AKU NAIK SAKSI BAHAWA TIADA TUHAN YANG  DISEMBAH MELAINKAN ALLAH DAN AKU NAIK SAKSI BAHAWA NABI MUHAMMAD ITU PESURUH ALLAH"..

~~Tuhan, Hatiku ini dalam gengaman mu..Jiwaku ini dalam Tangan Mu..Untuk Mu hati, jiwa, bahkan darahku ini..Maka pegang eratlah..Peliharalah ia.. peliharalah.. peliharalah..Ku mohon padaMu..YA ALLAH~~~

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Just have a little patience

Just have a little patience

I'm still hurting from a love I lost
I'm feeling your frustration
Any minute all the pain will stop
Just hold me close inside your arms tonight
Don't be too hard on my emotions

'Cause I need time
My heart is numb, has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience

I really wanna start over again
I know you wanna be my salvation
The one that I can always depend

I'll try to be strong, believe me
I'm trying to move on
It's complicated but understand me

Cause I need time
My heart is numb has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little patience, yeah
Have a little patience, yeah

Cause these scars run so deep
It's been hard, but I have to believe in me

Have a little patience
Have a little patience

'Cause I, I just need time
My heart is numb has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try, and have a little patience
Have a little patience

My heart is numb has no feeling
So while I'm still healing
Just try and have a little... patience

thAt wHat MY Feeling Are taLking now...My paSt rEally hurt Me deEpLy Until Now i Still Being shadow WiTh It..Bkn Sbb Sy MEmilih N jUAL MaHAl..iT JuST tHeRE nO oNE oUTsIDE thERe YG boLEh BaGi JaminAN  x kAn BiarKan SY MeraSe Ap yg Sy PrnH rse..Maaf AndaiNYa aDa Yg terLuka..

~MY FamiLY MY LiFe~

Truly My FAmily Is My Life..for Me..they are EveryThinG...mOst importance Than anyThinG In This World...Love TheM sO MuCh...Syg sy paDa mEreka leBih Dari seGAla2nYa...n Sy x Kesah Orng Nak ktE sy Ni ManJe k..MnGAda2 k..Jnji pErlaKuan sY Itu Hanya DtujuKAn KPd mY paRent n My FAmily...iAnya Lagi BAik drpaDa Dtujukan kPd yg Mukan mUhrim/Mahram sY even kEngKadanG WuJud PerbaLAhan..TP bnD Tue biAsalah kn.."SedanGkn LidaH lg tergigit..Inikn Sesama KLuarga"...bG sy EveryDay is A FAmilY dAy...i MisS Them So Much...Honestly..iM A big jeLouse wiTh my menbe2 Yg dPt balik Kg bile sy x DPt balik Kg(teruk kn)..tP Nk Buat Mcm mne..this iS tHe First Time im beinG Saperate With My aBAh n Mak..sO agaK terase lh Bila pG2 X dpt dengr suAra mAk N AbAh..kadnag2 Tue SmPai Bole mnages...even Stelah Hampir Dua Thun ddk kt Asrama Nie(even NOw)..Haishhh...ap Lh Nak jd..Tue Yg keNgKadang Mls Nk CaLL mY mum or My aBAh..Kalo lah Abah kaSi Sy Ulang alik dR umah k Unisti...hurmm Sy anggup..tp BAk kTE orng bIle ag sy nk Berdikari Kn3..

KaLO2 Sy Rindu sgt2 sLAlu sy Tgok Picture nie:...

                                           inilAh KLuarga BEsar sy(x smua ad dlm GmbR nie)

                                                        Ini FamilY Abg Bongsu Sy

                                            ThIs Is mY kakaK tuCHuk with Her 2 DaughTer

                                                     This Is My Second Akak @ ank No 4

                                                              Inilah Parent ieDA

p/s: X sabar Nk Balik UJung Minggu nie..^_^**